Everyday we resist our world turning into a Mordor in which the only worth is money. We know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
— Live trees? Don't count!
— Dead trees? $$$$$$
— What are healthy lungs? They don't exist! There's no product or need to healthy lungs!
— Black lungs? Nice! $$$$$$ Come to hospital! We've got products and services for you.
There's no money to be made with liveability.
— Smiling people? Worthless!
— Addicted sad needy people? $$$$$$$ The botox in their faces? $$$$$$
— Godly Mountains?
— Make them forever mine pits where the sun doesn't shine! $$$$$$ Destroy million year old monuments into fleeting money! Into a sign, a virtual coin,... A number that we all agree to believe in although it has no actual value..
— Inflate the pie that is economy! LET'S PLUNDER!
And nobody seems to care anymore how that big pie tastes as long as it gets bigger.
— Sad and bored of this system?
— Maybe you need more spending power? More products! More needs!
Humans are awesome.. This imposed religion is not. We're all caught up in it, steered by its popes and high priests: the owners of big pieces: media magnates, oil sheiks, corrupt leaders, spoiled brats, gambling investors who were lucky, alienated tycoons and decadent puddingbrainers of all sorts, who live in their separate worlds of golf terrains and yachts, yet they decide over ours. And all they want is to see their share to the tasteless pie grow, who cares if the world has to burn for it.
Society doesn't have the 'money' to safeguard our future, to invest in our own. But society does have money for 10.000's of individuals to throw wealth away on useless showoff cars, the dead-end streets of greed and ego. Decadence and ignorance nowadays are called virtues, not sins. We're told they're needed to run the economy which feeds us, but they forget to tell that it now poisons us.
Economic growth once meant progress. Once it helped us in our precious survival. Now it means turning life into death. Future into coins. Care into cruelty. Leadership into corruption. Collective qualities into private quantities. Culture into expensive packages. Homes into containers. And security into gambles.
In the west they control through control of media while in the developing countries they do it by direct repression, killing environmental caretakers who jeopardize local corruption schemes of quick cruel filthy sellout. The system is eating our very means of long-term survival. Nature is degraded. But it's not "Oh pathetic weak nature. It needs a pamper.."
It does whatever whenever with all the patience in the world. That's nature.
It's poor us, spoiling paradise and burning home. We're destroying this humanfriendly version of nature, while some freaks promote grim gray futures on dusty planets.
Cleopatra was closer to now than she was to the building of the pyramids of Gizeh, 2.000 years prior. Times are changing fast.
Will humanity still last another two thousand years just like that?
We fixed this. The Ozon Layer. Stopped destroying it. Crisis averted. Bam! What we can do when no short-term private interests are in the way.. Crazy!
We didn't bet our entire future on some remissly coined speculative unscientific symptom control. We didn't replace science by some convenient incoherent simple pseudo-scientific concoctions of which the internet is bursting with. No. By international cooperation we phased out the source of our problem.
We were not supposed to. No big money was to be made. And we thought for ourselves. If it was for the money-religion and the power-cravers we should and could have never saved ourselves. But luckily, in the case of (H)CFC's there were no big private interests and humanity could flourish.
God I don't want to know what happened if we had left it up to the folks who always make up a reality that most conveniently suits their little world in their living room.
All we're supposed to do is live in living rooms and only come out to produce in the week and consume in the weekend, crisscrossing our cars all over the place. Ease, ignorance and individualism are deified.
So of course, who are the heroes this social regime gives us?
Coming from a place that clogs your mind like a public toilet, I know all the billionaires. They're by the way also the politicians now, bought their way in. I know every luxury brand and every luxury car. And in this dystopia I am forced to watch a commercial 25-year-old influencer beat up the 58-year old legend in a staged boxing fight under the approving eye of the aforementioned priests. Their media force-feeds us their bullcrap. Science is called fake news while their staged fights are propagated as the realest thing.
We're taught to be good buyers, not thinkers. And I have no clue when you would ask me about Rachel Carson, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Mbaye Diagne (not the 1000x more famous footballer), Wangari Maathai, Binalakshmi Nepram, Sunitha Krishnan, Nicholas Winton, Harriet Tubman and Robert Bilott.
We don't need to increase the average spending power when it buys us crap. We don't need Black Friday, fast fashion and whatever they invent.. We don't need yet another product to sprankle up our shopping mall life. We need the world back, a world of polar bears, not of gold-eating botox-billionaires' nightmarescapes.
No matter how hard they push, within us there is something stronger, something better, going to push right back. In the midst of the eternal winter they create, we'll find an invincible summer.